Selehun Community School Project | Sierra Leone (West Africa)
In July 2016, I visited Sierra Leone (West Africa) with a delegation from Seattle-based Schools for Salone. This was my first visit to Africa.
Upon departing the country, I wanted to return as a stakeholder. Taking on a community school building project in Sierra Leone takes immense buy in from the Tribal Chiefs, the village itself, and especially Programme for Children, the in-country sister organization of Schools for Salone. Assembling a group of generous friends, the funding needs for the school building, access to clean water, school supplies, furnishings, and teacher training took 120 days. With supervision, the building of the physical structure was done by the villagers themselves in about 100 days. Under the strict guidelines of Programme for Children, nearly 200 children (age 6-11) will be exposed to first access, basic education that will equip them for a path beyond subsistent farming. This elevated human experience enables the entire village a more prosperous future with a population of educated children who will ultimately lead future generations in their community. I’ll return in July 2018 to represent the group of generous and trusting friends that made this project possible. The Selehun Community School opens in September 2018.
Show support by following @SchoolsforSalone and watch the progress of school openings throughout Sierra Leone and photos of Larry’s inspirational visits to the communities of Sierra Leone.
For more information about education in Sierra Leone: www.schoolsforsalone.org