Selehun Sierra Leone-A Learning Journey

My late mother Jean and one other evangelist are the drive for me leading this village school project on behalf of Seattle-based Schools for Salone. My mom did the same, a little closer to home, when I was 10 years old. Although there are many differences between Holly Park in South Seattle and Selehun Sierra Leone (West Africa), there are also some important similarities. Holly Park was full of children who came to understand their individual potential because a community of early childhood educators cared about them. The children in Sierra Leone are also coming to learn their individual gifts thanks to Cindy Nofziger and her team on the ground in Africa. I wasn’t aware when I accepted an invitation to travel Sierra Leone (in 2016) with Cindy and her terrific Program Director Natalie, that I would have an opportunity to celebrate my mothers legacy on the other side of the world. In the next week, you’ll see how a group of generous friends said they too believe in the potential of 200 kids in a tiny West African nation.

Wheels up at 8AM! Flight Plan to Freetown, Sierra Leone: SEA>IAD>BRU>FNA (58 hours).

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