Larry’s Summer 2018 Travel Map

Hello everyone! I am helping Larry while he is abroad (the traveling philanthropist). There has been limited power and internet in West Africa if you are missing him on Facebook. Larry has enlightened me that the families living in West Africa live day to day with limited energy/power.

You will find a simple map of Larry’s travels below. Larry has been to Brussels, Belgium. He then traveled to West Africa (Sierra Leone and Liberia). He is currently wrapping up his time in Africa to head to Rome, Italy. Larry will then spend a good amount of time with his family at what they consider their second home in Montanare, Italy. Don’t you worry, Larry will get caught up on his experiences in Sierra Leone when he arrives in Rome.

~ Ciao


1 thought on “Larry’s Summer 2018 Travel Map

  • Thanks very much Sonja. We’ve made it to Montanare. I hope to post about my extraordinary experience in Sierra Leone tommorow afternoon. Grazie Mille.

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